+-----------------+-------+ | 4 NPS | 3 NPS | +--------+--------+-------+ | 1234 | 3124 | 124 | | 1243 | 3142 | 134 | | 1324 | 3214 | 142 | | 1342 | 3341 | 143 | Play as Chromatics (as fingered + hole steps, 1 and 1 1/2 step) | 1423 | 3412 | 214 | Picked and legato | 1432 | 3421 | 241 | | 2134 | 4123 | 341 | | 2143 | 4132 | 341 | | 2341 | 4213 | 421 | | 2314 | 4231 | 412 | | 2413 | 4321 | 431 | | 2431 | 4312 | 413 | +--------+--------+-------+ Take all diatonic scale 3NPS shapes and do the Cooley variations... 123,132,231,213,321,312 - "supportive fingering" exercises, as well as those spider-finger type exercises - zig-zag patterns - interval patterns (3rds, 4ths, etc) - all shapes of diatonic, harmonic minor, gypsy minor - those ascending and descending groups of 3,4,5,6 - 313 pentatonic shapes (individually and connected, zig-zags) - find new arpeggio shapes to play tapped my standard way as well as Takaski tapped style Chunking - Both learning things in small chunks - Using anchor points when playing too fast to count subdivisions. Synchronization of the hands Left-Hand (general) - Finger independence - Endurance (lengthy all down, all up, alternate) - Less motion - Cleaner and faster - Reverse hammer-ons - Relaxed hands - Bends that are accurate and on pitch - Vibrato wide and even, slow it down, but be able to do a fast one too. Picking - Relaxed and clean - Endurance - Focus more on economy for speed Sweeping - Fret hand: Keep rolls and switching strings cleaner and more accurate - Right hand: Work on slanting to make picking easier Theory - Chord and arpeggio construction - triads: maj, min, dim, sus2, sus4 - sevenths: 7, maj7, min7 - 9ths, 11ths, etc Playing over chord progressions - outlining chords - modal thinking - identifying keys quicker based on chords Rhythm - Playing in time - Syncopation - Metal Gallops - Those triplets that are like 1 (+) a (2) + (a) 3 (+) a (4) + (a) - Uneven divisions like 5,7 Tapping - Akira Takasaki style tapping away from the guitar - finger/hand exercises - ear training - use online interval trainer - when listening to music try to listen to intervals, etc - singing intervals - thinking about rhythms - tap them out wherever - tap foot along with whatever music i'm listening to Specific licks - Kotzen sweep lick (sweep) - Jason Becker solo/Go Off! lick (sweep) - Jason Becker Serranna (sweep) - Michael Angelo licks (alternate picking) - Akira taps variations of 3 notes - standard triplet = 1 trip let - triplet with a gap = 1 (trip) let - triplet dropped frist (1) trip let - triplet dropped last 1 trip (let) - also never grasped those triplets that are 1 (trip) let (2) trip (let) 3 (trip) let (4) trip (let) sixteenth varions - 1 ee and uh - 1 (ee) (and) uh - 1 (ee) and uh - 1 ee and (uh) - 1 ee (and) uh - (1) ee and uh see if there's more, but that's a good start 5's and 7's switching between the various subdivsions